
Day 2 -
Amazing Home Cooked Meals from Scratch.

The Young Women.

The Beach and Sunshine.

Ice Cream.


The Moon.


Sweet Thoughts.

And this man!

"We all live with the objective of being happy, our lives are all different and yet the same." - Anne Frank

What things make you happy?


Diane said…
Your post makes me happy. :) Along with what you have, I also like meadow larks, sunrises and sunsets, summer rain, eating crab, and rocks. (This is just a partial list).
Your birthday tomorrow makes me happy! Happy Birthday tomorrow Jari! Bike rides and exercise makes me happy. Along with homemade oreos, date nights, jumping on the trampoline together.
Hollie said…
That food looks D-LISH!!! Send some recipes my way!

As for happiness... snuggles from my boy, sleeping in, a clean house, gorgeous weather, reaping the benefits of our garden, having money at the end of the month :)
Jari said…
Mom - I had no idea you like crab. You should come visit cuz they have crab all over here in the summer...

Carrie - Thanks so much for the happy b-day wishes!Exercise makes me happy when I'm finished with it. I also tried making homemade oreos earlier this year, but they were nowhere near as good as the one you and your mom used to give me for my birthday.

Hollie - I'll definately send you some recipes. Fred is the master chef in our house, but we have created some pretty amazing meals together. (Mostly with his direction.) I hear you on the garden thing. I can't wait until we finally have a yard and I can garden. That is of course if I can cure the brown thumb I have which tends to kill all plants within a certain mileage.
Sarra said…
"Not being in this slingshot would make me very happ-eeeeeee!"

Seriously, a day at a spa would make me happy.
And Smart cars - they make me happy. When I get to read makes me happy.
And sure, my kids make me happy too. :)