Temperature's Rising...

Day 7 -

When we got three feet of snow this winter, we called global warming a scam. As of today, I am no longer a doubter. Living on the 3rd floor of a really old condo unit with a broken AC and neighbors that smoke, inhibiting us from opening our windows has proven to be an eye-opening experience. Glad it's only May 2nd and our house is reaching temperatures in the 90's. Look out July cuz here we come! In an effort to turn our trial into a positive experience I am contemplating a new welcome sign to add to our front door:

Grab your swimsuits folks; 24-hour sauna at your service!

$5.00 a person

If you bring ice cream or popsicles admission is free!

If nothing else it may limit the solicitors...

Thank you oh summer and broken AC to renew my faith in and desire for the green movement.


Sarra said…
Lol - it snowed here yesterday. I turn my heater on to 76 periodically, but I can't get the actual temperature to stay above 70. It gets cold enough in the bedrooms when the doors are shut at night that now my girls have runny noses. I kind of wish we had a little bit of that warmth y'all are hogging!
But guaranteed, if I was over there, I'd stop by with popsicles AND ice cream! ... And my kids.
Diane said…
Too hot for me, but I'll go for the ice cream and popsicles for sure. AND...I would bring a movie. :)