So when the snow hit last Friday, I was skeptical. Growing up in Utah we often heard weather reports that predicted up to a foot of snow which most often turned out to be 1, 2, or maybe 3 inches of snow at most. Far too often we received no snow at all. So it is with that background that I faced the weekend with doubt that this "huge storm" would bring as much snow as they were saying. It turns out they were right. This is me on Saturday evening right after the snow stopped and before the sun went down. I went out with my newly purchased shovel from the Home Depot to clear a little snow. All the depot had was a flat-nosed garden shovel due to the fact that people panicked a day or so before the storm and bought every snow shovel available. It turns out that this shovel was a great blessing because it is able to chop up and get under the ice that all the other shovels just glance over.
The one thing I did take time to do that night was to dig a path to the dumpster. Unfortunately, when it does snow and people cannot walk right up to the dumpster they simply throw their garbage on top of the snow near the dumpster. Disgusting.
So in an effort to stop this from happening I dug a channel for everyone. I then dug a channel to my neighbor's house so they too could have access to the dumpster. I was sweaty and tired at this point and realized that I better go start on the car. Church had been canceled previous to this little adventure of mine so I guess that is why I gave up partway through the experience. A metal garden shovel just doesn't work that well when all the snow is heavy and wet and sticks to the shovel blade.
Sunday came and it was a beautiful day. I was not about to go out and shovel out my car along with the rest of my neighbors. There were tractors running through the parking lot clearing the snow the best they could so Jari and I thought we'd wait till later to work on the car. However, we did find ourselves brave enough to venture out and visit a fellow ward member's family. The Kamaroth's just had a baby a week or two ago so we made them cookies and walked the .5-1 mile to their house. They were asleep but their kids accepted the cookies without delay. I don't think their kids really know who we are so I'm curious what their mom and dad thought when they (in all likelihood) were unable to tell them who delivered the cookies.
This is Jari standing in the street near our friend's house. It does not show too well, but there is about 18-24" of snow there.
So I know this doesn't look like much, but this is now Wednesday morning. The snow on our balcony is all new snow. Looking down into the parking lot it looks like about 4-6" overnight and it is windy and still snowing outside. This is the third day of canceled school for me. I continue to study on my own but the idea of having to make up all the classes we have missed is enough to make me cry. I kind of think that they will simply cancel classes for the rest of the week and push back the entire schedule by a week, but that is only my prediction. The nasty thing to do would be to try to stack all those classes up on top of what we have already missed.
If you want to see more pictures of the snow, click the link below or just go to MSNBC, they always have cool slide shows.
The only issue left is to find a way to pump all this snow West Bound so as to save the Western states of Utah and Idaho from the pending drought. Any ideas?