Day 3 -
Exhibit B: A close up of the barnyard friends, which also includes a pink unicorn.
Every month in Young Womens we rotate which group is in charge of the activities. Because there are only a total of 17 girls and an average of 10 show up each week, we combine all three classes for the majority of the activities. April was Beehive month. For anyone who knows my girls, you'll know that getting them to help plan legitimate activities is like pulling teeth with a pair of pliers. Consequently, the planning falls to yours truly. Yep. The lucky girls get to deal with what I plan. Those of you who know me might be sighing in pity for the girls, or figuring that we just took the month of April off for lack of better options...and while you are most likely justified in your thoughts, I've successfully completed another month of activities.
Every fourth week of the month we do a service activity and because my week was crazy and I'm not good at planning well enough in advance to set up any amazing projects, today at three o'clock I decided we were going to make finger puppets for our ward's nursery. Due to the incredible talent in creativity of our girls, they made the night a success. Please view the following evidence...
Exhibit A: The complete collection
Exhibit B: A close up of the barnyard friends, which also includes a pink unicorn.
Exhibit C: Yes, this hand must be its own exhibit as it includes a ghost, alligator, vegitables, and for clarification purposes - a brownie made by the five year old sister who joined us tonight.
Balance in all things I always say.