So, it's happened. I've come to a point at which I must revise a goal I set an embarrassingly short time ago. Two things happened this weekend that got me thinking about it.
First, after a seemingly endless 8 weeks and one VERY LONG Saturday, I turned in my final paper and finished my Perception class. In some ways or better-stated most ways, it was a relief.
Second, in one of my creepy blog-stalking stints, I came across a blog done by my friend's brother. They are a family I got to know in Boise and recently in addition to their own 4 biological children they have adopted two more from Haiti. The dad has narrated a day-by-day account of their experience as a family adopting these children and I found it absolutely fascinating. Some days are simple and relate the simple comings and goings of the days, and others relate funny or sad or difficult experiences. While I was reading his blog the idea struck me that with 24 hours in a day, the odds that I have at least one original thought or experience a day should be pretty high. Granted I'm only just now doing statistics and rely heavily on Fred's ingenious brain to accomplish much, I'm not sure how accurate my assessments of odds really are.
Anyway, that leads me to the revision of my goal. I think a few months back I set a goal to write one good post a month about my life with Fred. Since that obviously worked so well for me, I've decided to revise. Perhaps one post a month is too few to get me really going. If I make it a regular activity, I'm bound to get better and with all this extra time on my hands, I should be able to squeeze in some blog time. So in copy-cat fashion of my friend's brother's blog, today I'm starting The One Hundred Day Chronicles in which I will post something each day for the next 100 days. I can't vouch for the quality of the content of my posts, (they'll all be clean of course) but I'm determined to have one every day for the next 100 days. So without further ado, The One Hundred Day Chronicles...