Mice and Men - (Or my man at least)

Post 18 We've been doing some re-organizing in preparation for the baby. Consequently, Fred had to go through his last two years of med school notes and books and decide what he was going to keep and what he was going to get rid of. When he finally got his stack together of all the things he was willing to eliminate from his ever-expanding library of medical-knowledge resources, (namely the notes he's taken in his last two years of school) he asked me to take a picture. As soon as I saw him pose for the camera, one image popped into my head and that's when I decided Fred is like a mouse.

Some well-known facts about mice:

  • Mice crave exercise and run voluntarily for miles and miles each night either in the streets or in their exercise wheels.
  • Mice love food. They eat two main meals but tend to snack all day on little things.
  • This site says mice are considered great pets because of their entertaining antics and affectionate behavior.
  • It also claims that in spite of popular opinion, mice are clean and organized.

I don't know about you, but I see some uncanny similarities. And lest you should think this post is demeaning and that I don't love my husband to death, let me add one more thing; a quote from Walt Disney.

"I only hope we don't lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse."

There are great things to come from Fred.


Necia said…
Ok i laughed and laughed thanks!! I see somethings in common there, Fred cracks me up!!!
Sarra said…
I laughed out loud the second I saw that picture of Fred with his stack of paper because I knew EXACTLY what it made you think of!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for nice information volkman bird food