Final Hours Together

Jari has always told me how much our little girl moves, but I am always at work when she is really active. So one day while I was at work, Jari made this little film of her dancing and grooving so elegantly to Enya (in the background on the computer). I have since then seen the baby move and felt her kick and it is so much fun. I am so excited to welcome her to earth and hold her.
On that note - stay tuned for more pics of our little girl. Jari enters the Hospital tonight to start on the Pit-drip and we expect her to be here in 24-36 hours after starting the meds.


Necia said…
so excited to see her!!! Cant believe its time for her to come.
Anonymous said…
Holy cow, that is sooooo cool!!! Congrats you guys!
proud parents said…
Beautiful! Can't wait to see the little girl! Hope Mommy, Daddy, and baby are all doing well . . .