Problem one: I didn't have my rotary mat yet or a measuring tape on hand so I just eye-balled the size of my fabric and cut where I thought I should.
Problem two: This particular blanket requires the sewing of lots of straight lines. A plethora of them. Basically starting in the center going diagonally you have to sew a line every half inch. Yuck. Then when I started sewing after pinning down my unevenly cut layers of fabric, the tension was all messed up. Like I know anything about tension. Except for the tension, I felt between me and my machine after running through half a spool of thread trying to figure out what was wrong. I sucked up my pride and called my mom, confessing that I was actually trying to use a sewing machine and needed her to help me figure out why it was malfunctioning. After the tension problem was solved I was faced once again with the task of sewing the straight lines. I actually tried using a water-soluble pencil to draw the lines first, but partway through just a couple of lines it broke and I didn't have a sharpener.
So like a good seamstress...I began sewing figuring I could eyeball it. I was quickly reminded of my childhood experience. And just as I chose then, I decided not to pick out any of the crooked lines I had sewn. Of all the 3,945,867 lines I sewed, I think one of them might have been straight, but since all the rest were crooked, it looked just as bad as the rest.
To spare you the rest of the details of this story that is becoming ridiculously long, let me just say that the remainder of the project involved cutting through layers of fabric, including the wrong layer - twice, a few exclamations of frustration on my part, a vow to burn the blanket along with my sewing machine in a bonfire, the calming response and subsequent help from my patient husband, more guess-work stitches and the final product.
Didn't turn out quite like I was hoping, but it's done. And now I might have a sewing machine for sale.
And I totally agree with Janine - you need to eat something. Like a cheeseburger. Or five.