Yes I did...

Post 21 A couple of weeks ago I made a paper chain, cuz I'm cool like that. I think that now we're actually somewhere around the yellow link by the light switch but the doctor predicts it will be sooner than that. Maybe this week. Who knows? I'm still going to rip off the links of the chain one by one. It will serve as a countdown till my mom comes if the baby gets here before then.
And I think this counts as my 36-week picture.


Hollie said…
So excited for you! You had better be quick on the blogging or e-mailing as soon as your little girl makes her entrance and of course I am going to want DETAILS! Wish you weren't so far away...
Diane said…
I wish I was cool like you. I would never have thought of making a paper chain. Ten kids. No chains. Bummer for me. But you really are cool. :)
Monica Calmes said…
WOW! How did I not know you're pregnant? Or were? Or whatever! Oh right, it's because I'm lame and don't have your number to call you! Can we please fix that? Here is mine....801-554-6955. That means 2 things, I am crazy enough to post my number where other people can get it....and two, I really want to talk to you. End of story. Please call me, if you don't, I just might start stalking you!