Hour number 238

Many thanks for all the well-wishing/hardy congratulations/and virtual slaps on the back. We are happy to say that we have reached Charlotte's 238th hour of life and she and her mother are doing well. I did not get any time off of work so I sadly have missed a good chunk of these hours. Luckily, Jari has snapped a few photographs on the way so I intend to post those here and now. I hope these portray even a small hint of the joy we have felt over the last 10 days. As the saying goes, 'A picture is worth a thousand words.' If such is the case, then I would submit that a video must be worth a million, and holding the one you love becomes indescribable. Still, I hope that a few pictures, videos, and words can help you feel what we have felt.
I know most would start with the face, but I think the feet would be just as good. Charlotte was born at 5 lbs 15 oz. As expected, she dropped a little of this weight over the first few days. However, thanks to Jari's diligence in feeding her, she has regained that weight and we hope that she is on her way up. Yet although this is great news, it does not negate just how little she is.
I think she got her feet from her mom - you see, I am not able to spread my toes like this. For some reason, the only toes I can separate is my big toe from the rest of my toes. So this nice spread action can only have one origin: Mom.
Here is a common pose, "The Yawn." Like most babies, she lives to eat, sleep, digest, and all that goes along with that, and on occasion look around. She also likes to wake up when she is near feeding time and hears mom's voice. I also chose this picture because it represents a very rare moment where she finds herself dressed in something besides a blanket.
One of her favorite ways to sleep is on a chest. I think she enjoys hearing the breathing, the heartbeat, and the comforting warmth coming from mom or dad. Just before she was born, we bought a glider for Jari so that she could have a nice place to feed Charlotte without having to take her out of her room. This is post-feeding in the sun. She looked a little jaundiced for the first few days we thought a little sunshine would not hurt. I'm not sure it is possible to get a photo of every new face she makes - but this is definitely one of her favorites. This is either a serious face, a very concerned face or just her way of saying hello. Whatever it is, it is so stinking funny. And just 10 seconds later... we get this fun shot. You'll have to thank Jari for having the camera on hand for these pics.

And below are a few more pictures from today:And the real star of the show is... Mom of course! Jari has been so wonderful. She sacrifices sleep, comfort, and professional pursuits all for our little girl and family. While I love coming home to my little girl at the end of the day, I am even more excited to see our little girl's mom waiting patiently for me. Jari is an exceptional mom, wife, and friend. So while we will for sure post more of Charlotte, don't forget the super, wonderful, extraordinary, spectacular mom that makes these pictures possible!


Necia said…
Her looks are so funny!!! I see so much change in her already, its sad to see them change and grow so fast. I have known since the day Jari came over with rice pudding that she was an amazing woman and have loved her from the start!!
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
These pictures are so entertaining. I can just imagine how much fun you guys are having with her. It's also quite humbling to think about the kind of incredible spirit she must have been to be blessed with such amazing parents. Congratulations again, and thank you so much for the fantastic weekend! It was a real treat to witness her first few days. Now you need to take another family photo to update your main picture.
awwwwwwww:) Congrats you guy guys!!! she is beautiful!!!!!! Wish we were still there, we would have totally visited you guys! Way to go Jari!!!