Life As I Now Know It

Post 26

Observations/Confessions of a new Mother
  1. It's been almost three weeks since Charlotte's birth and I just started answering my phone regularly again. Or at least as regularly as I did prior to her birth.
  2. My mom was on Charlotte bath duty while she was here. She gave her two wonderful baths in one week. The poor girl hasn't had one since my mom left. It's been a week. I must give her one today, or the father of this child might turn me in for neglect.
  3. My baby is not even three weeks old and she might have a slight mullet. Slater would be jealous.
  4. Fred recently asked me how long it had been since I showered...I was wearing the same shirt I'd been wearing for the previous two days. I'm not sure if I answered him or if I just grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom. I'd had a rough couple of days.
  5. My daughter has been dressed in real clothes maybe 5 times since birth. 3 of those times she looked a little gangsta because her clothes are too big and her pants wouldn't stay on. The doctor saw her on all three of those occasions. I think he might question my abilities to raise a decent child.
  6. The other 2 times she was dressed she was really just wearing a sleeper nightgown. It's not really possible to low-ride that.
  7. It has recently been suggested by an un-named person that I might benefit from the services of a psychiatrist. I think the suggestion was unrelated to the birth of our baby girl.


Sarra said…
I've always known you were crazy.
ChristopheRobyn said…
This post cracked me up--especially because I feel like I'm in the same boat with you with a newborn and can relate to many of your "observations/confessions". Charlotte sure is a cutie.
Necia said…
Oh jari, that was funny welcome to the world of motherhood, it comes at ya fast and changes everything but its all worth it in the end