Read My Mind Dad!

Just thought I'd share a moment with everyone that I (Fred) had this week. This last Wednesday, I arrived home from work after a normal 1.5-hour commute to find my lovely wife and baby at home, both happy and healthy. Jari had mutual that night so after dinner, she fed Charlotte so that she would be OK to go to mutual for an hour. Everything went according to plan...for 15 minutes anyway. This is Charlotte. As you can tell, she is not very happy. The reason? Well, she just ate so she cannot be hungry right? That was my thinking so I went to step 2: change the diaper. She hates having her diaper changed so while it was a logical thing to do (and did need to be done), it made her go from mad to...something madder than her previous state of mad (fill in this new state with your favorite negative emotion - if I told you what that state was this post would be too passive of a read for you and quickly fall into what I consider to be the "lame" category of things to read.)
So now I have an upset little girl on my hands who cannot be hungry, has a clean diaper, so the logical problem is...? I don't know. That is where my list of possible problems ends (after excluding all the possible medical issues mind you. I'm a medical student so I went through a quick list of possibilities but quickly ruled them out) so I had no idea what to do. So after walking with and trying to soothe her little heart for 20 minutes, I broke down and called Jari. Jari was gracious enough to come home and fix what was wrong. And the answer (drum roll) -
(Scroll down - this break in the page is for dramatic effect)
She was hungry. That little girl went to town eating and was as happy as could be after that.
I'm not sure this post has a point, but at least other moms and dads out there can smile and remember similar times with their kids. So from our house to yours - feed your children :)


Diane said…
Fred, you make me laugh! :D
And, yes, it does bring back memories. They weren't the fondest moments at the time but your blog helped me see them differently through your experience. The best is still to come!
Anonymous said…
This is hilarious! I love you Fred. You really are an amazing dad. Charlotte is very blessed to have such awesome parents!
Necia said…
Its amazing how much babies can eat and when you think you have feed them enough they want to do eat more!!! eat eat eat, and when they are older they still