The Luckiest

"And I know, that...I am the luckiest." -Ben Folds Five


PapaLarry said…
These shots are awesome! You guys are just an awesome family. You apparently got the picture size and centering thing figured out just fine cause that is a great photo of the Nielsons! Looking forward to a visit sometime this Spring!
Sarra said…
Ok, that's actually Ben Folds solo artist - it's from his Rockin' The Suburbs album.
The pictures of Charlotte are great, and I think your family photo turned out super awesome!
Anonymous said…
I super love all your photos, and I think the dark colors in your family photo are perfect for you guys, but all that dead space behind Fred is KILLING me! It needs to be cropped out a little. You really are such a cute family. Love you guys!
Necia said…
Love the pictures and the blog looks awesome what a great family photo you all look amazing!! Hugs