The ride was awesome. I loved it all. The slow jaunt up to the top of the first drop where I giggled with my sister the whole way up. The sudden and fast drop that took away our breath. The thrill of the ups and downs, the loops and twists. It was great.
The last few days I've been feeling a little down. I've been feeling a little like I'm standing next to that ruler again. That the sign reads "YOU MUST BE THIS TALL" and once again, I don't measure up. I'm still a quarter inch too short. I've been feeling stuck in a rut. Unable to meet the challenges presented to me. For those of you with kids...
Then, just before going to visit some ladies the other day, I was able to get this photo. The head lifting lasted all of 7 seconds, and you can tell how thrilled she was. It was her first head lift ever (at 3 and a half months) and I was just happy to get it on camera. Unfortunately, the look on her face was a predictor of how the rest of the day was going to be for her. And for me. She cried all afternoon. Even the other mothers tried to calm her down. She was tired but wouldn't sleep. She was hungry but wouldn't eat well. She screamed when I would set her down, but squirmed so much she was impossible to hold. Needless to say, by the end of the day I was feeling a little discouraged, worn out, and wondering why I just don't measure up to the task.
Yesterday morning started off the same as usual. Just before my first attempt at nap time I put Charlotte on the ground for some tummy time and here's what happened:
She lifted her head and looked around for more than a minute. She even rolled over. 4 Times! No crying. No drama. She just decided she wanted to and she did. One day she didn't, the next day she did. I think I smothered the poor thing with hugs and kisses afterwards because I was so happy to see she is progressing. Thankfully I got the whole thing on camera to remind me I haven't stunted her ability to grow. I haven't caused irreparable damage. I haven't made her hate me. She's going to be just fine. And so am I.
Yesterday I felt like I was standing at the ruler, measuring too short, nd with a slight lift of His hand Heavenly Father helped me to measure up. Now I need to enjoy the ride. The ups and downs, fast parts and slow parts, twists and turns. I need to love it all.
"Hooray for Charlotte!"