Idaho Has More Than Potatoes


When I say Idaho, what is the first thing that pops in your mind...?


What about ferocious birds? They do have lots of birds of prey.

Or the City of Trees perhaps. Surely Boise must come to mind.

Not Boise? How about....

George "Pappy" Boyington! Famous WWII Ace. Heard of him? He's from Idaho.

You're still thinking about potatoes aren't you? That's OK, it's hard to get them off your mind at times. Trust me, I know...

But even though they make really good potatoes, what's the best thing to come from Idaho...?

[This space left intentionally blank]

(It's also to build suspense and help your right index finger get some exercise as you scroll down)

Jari Anne of course! She's the most amazing person in the world. She's a wonderful mother, the best friend in the world, and the one I think about every time I get a spare moment.
So next time I say Idaho - it's OK for you to think about potatoes. As for me, I have something better to think about. I miss you love.
From Ohio with Love.


Diane said…
Love the post! Being from Idaho, I knew Jari would be your answer. :) I love how you two are such a blessing to each other.
Diana said…
I love it. Love love love. Miss you guys. Hope you are all doing okay.