Her New Obsession

After coming home from our morning walk with friends the other day, Charlotte and I discovered an unexpected guest in the dining area. I think her reference to the "yummy" must come from The Lion King which is her all time favorite movie. Please excuse the fact that I asked her the same question approximately 34 times in the first few seconds of the video.

Since then caterpillars and snakes have become her new obsession. She asks me to draw them in chalk on our back patio, make them out of playdough, she picked out The Very Hungry Caterpillar from the bookstore and can frequently be heard saying "ssssssssss" while shaking her head. I sure love this girl.


Damaris said…
she is so adorable! I believe this is the first time I hear her speak, sooo cute!
Sarra said…
The way she says caterpillar is SO cute!
Diana said…
Oh my goodness. She is so cute! It took me a minute to figure out where you were... I kept trying to visualize where that was in your Maryland place and then I realized... oh yeah... you are in Vegas. :) Sure miss you guys!