Charlotte Turns Two

Charlotte turned 2 yesterday. I realize she has been pretending she was two for the last 9 months, but yesterday we got to celebrate it. 
I found this kitchen on craigslist for less than 40% of what it costs brand new. I'm grateful for craigslist.

Charlotte loves it.

It's tradition to get her a balloon because she loves them. And by tradition, I mean that we did it for her first and only other birthday and it was a success, so we thought we'd repeat it. We went to the dollar store and they had a sign up that said "Due to vendor issues we don't have helium at this time." So I took her to Smith's to pick one up there and they had a sign that said "Due to helium shortage, we don't have helium at this time." - Ummm, who is taking all the helium and what are they doing with it? I didn't realize it was such a hot commodity. Anyway, we settled for a ballon on a stick and Charlotte was so thrilled she couldn't hold it still enough for a picture.
Being the on-top-of-it-mother that I am, during Charlotte's nap I had to think of a costume for our ward Halloween party that night. I did the quickest thing I could think of and sewed up a little vest to make her into a disheveled cowgirl. But don't feel too bad for her. This girl has got the moves and heard the line "Oh, take an extra one, you're so adorable" on many more than one occasion during the trunk-or-treat.
And for those of you who can't tell, her cake is a pink and green ladybug made by yours truly. She loved it. And it's probably the last year I can get away with it.
Charlotte at age 2:
Favorite Foods: NONE - She has become so picky she doesn't even like to eat foods she likes. Unless it is grapes, cereal, or chocolate. She usually doesn't turn those down. 
Favorite Activities: She loves to read, run around under playground equipment, and take baths. She really loves water and frequently asks to "wash hands?" so she can put her hands in running water. Charlotte loves to be tickled and will frequently find a place to lie down on the ground and say " Gickle Charlotte?"
Favorite Book: Where the Wild Things Are. She calls this book "Ares" and can quote pages of it at a time.
Favorite Songs: I Love to See the Temple (Temple), I Am a Child of God (A God), Wheels on the Bus (Round-and-Round), and Teddy Bear Picnic (Teddybear). Charlotte can often be heard singing to herself and I am always amazed at the number of words she remembers in songs. During Church, she loves to direct the music as we sing too.
When we ask where something is like her shoes, she sings out "Sho-oes? Are you?"
She is the most loving girl and frequently gives spontaneous hugs and kisses. Sometimes these are preceded by a blow to the arm because she likes to "apologize" with a hug and kiss. We're working on that one.
We love her to pieces and are looking forward to watching her grow in the coming year; especially as she fills her role as a big sister.


Necia said…
That was a great cake!! I dont do cool cakes i say go ask your aunt Lori, so they call her. I laughed at your balloon story,good question where is all the helium going? She is as cute as ever we love her and you guys so much! I LOVE that kitchen set!! I wish people in Utah were selling that kind of cool stuff on Craigs list!!
Necia said…
Diana said…
Happy Birthday Charlotte! I love that little girl. The kitchen looks like an amazing find. Well done! The vest was super cute. I love the little cowgirl idea. And the cake was amazing. I am happy if I can bake a square one successfully.

And... CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I love you, love you, love you!!! So stinking happy for you!
Hollie said…
Happy Birthday Miss Charlotte! And congrats on your forth coming big sisterness!
PapaLarry said…
What a crack up! Thanks so much for the birthday rundown of fav's- those fun. And I had to kind of laugh when I saw the picture of the kitchen set. You know that guy I worked with at the academy whose wife had their little boy within hours of Charlotte's birth? He posted a picture of what they got him for his 2nd birthday and it was this elaborate mini-kitchen set!! I did indeed laugh a bit. You folks are the BEST let me tell you. I cannot think of a better home into which another child could hope to be born! Best wishes and constant prayers for your happiness and great health! All of ya's.
Love you,