Getting Dressed

I generally let Charlotte choose her clothes each day. When I first started letting her choose her clothes I would give her a choice between two items and she would choose her shirt, shorts/pants, and shoes for the day. If I ever didn't agree (sandals for long periods outside in the winter) she was easily persuaded in a different direction. This has changed. Please review the following and note the pattern.

This last week I actually tried putting her in a skirt and shirt and she fell apart because she needed to wear a dress. I'm going to have to hit up DI soon.


Sturges Family said…
Super cute and it is pretty funny that your little girl loves dresses!
So cute! Can't wait for Hailey to get to that stage!
Sarra said…
Hahahaha! Super cute! I quite often have to convince Liz to put pants on for school. She's always running around in a skirt. :)
Diana said…
I love her faces! She definitely doesn't seem to be short on personality. Love her and miss her! She is so cute!
Erin said…
So funny! I remember Ashley (one of the three year old twins in Arlington) always had to wear dresses no matter the weather or occasion. She had her favorites but it didn't seem to matter so much as long as it was a dress. She wore them out quickly that way so I definitely recommend your DI suggestion :)