This year has been a whirlwind.
My life has been full of projects.
I always seem to be working on something; or rather 4 or 5 somethings.
This is both a blessing and a curse.
I love to be busy and I love completing a project.
But sometimes other facets of my life shut down while I'm trying to accomplish a specific task.
There have been moments I have had to bring myself back to reality, to remember my true priorities and to take care of the things that matter most.
Charlotte has been extremely patient in my efforts to learn to balance life with a toddler, baby, and projects. Fred has too.
I have thought several times over the last few months about blogging and it always seems to get put on the back burner.
Three different people in the last week asked me when I planned on posting next.
The intention is frequently there, but rarely realized.
Much like my list of pending phone calls to friends and family.
So I guess now is the time to just make it happen.
I'm going to have to start scheduling it into my day.
I'll post on some of my projects soon,
and other family updates,
but right now I've got to get back to my girls.