Signs and Cards

Charlotte loves to make the "I Love You" sign. She makes it several times a day and always tells us she loves us. 

Hazel likes to do everything Charlotte does. She at least tries to do nearly everything Charlotte does. This includes the "I Love You" sign. She concentrates...

pushes her fingers around...

and then up come her 3 fingers and she grins and says "I love you!"

 And then I smile at her because I can't help it and I hold up my 3 fingers and say, "I love you too."

For Mother's Day, Rebecca helped the girls make me some cards and when I saw them I was delighted.

I love being a mother.


Diane said…
That is the coolest post ever! What a super cute idea for cards! Way to go, Rebecca! I just love how the cards are so characteristic of the girls!
Diana said…
This is so dang cute! I love your girls!
PapaLarry said…
So much fun! Those are delightful girls and we are going to crave lots of pictures over the next couple of years. Be well and be happy. And keep in close touch OK? Pleeeez? ºÜº