Hazel says some funny things at times. Mostly they demonstrate her wit, but other times it is her toddler speech that makes us laugh. I will apologize up front for finding some of these stories for their colorful nature. I am not trying to promote them, just sharing the joy of parenting.
Story One: While out on our deck the other night Charlotte started being rambunctious and silly while shouting the word "fraguty fraguty." I have no idea what this means and neither does she; just a word she made up a while ago. Usually, she says it over and over to the point it is downright annoying. On this occasion, Hazel thought it was funny as well so in her innocence laughed along with her while shouting "f*#!ity, f*#!ity". Admittedly, I finally laughed. When they asked why I was laughing all I could admit to was that it was because I loved them.
Story Two: While on a walk the other night Jari and I were laughing about the above-mentioned moment and Hazel asked, "Daddy, why are you smiling at me?" Not wanting to explain I simply said, "because I love you." She smiled back and we reversed the Q&A. "Hazel why are you smiling at me?" to which she answered "I not smiling at you. I smiling at the car." We happened to be passing a random car on the side of the road that is often there and not particularly eye-catching. When asked why her response was, "Oh (sigh), I just love that car." Nice to know the car gets more love than me.
Story Three: Every night, and I mean EVERY night the girls request a story and song before going to sleep. I have made up what feels like hundreds of stories that spark questions the following morning about why the bluebird did this, or the dog did that... Jari usually has no idea how to answer I rarely relate to her the simply made-up stories each night. Well, tonight the girls requested a story about an evil witch and 3 bats. After I was done with the story, Hazel proceeded to repeat the story to me in broken phrases. It went something like this: "Dad, you a big bat and Charlotte a big bat. I am the little b***h and say "ha ha ha" and take things without asking. I bad but it is fun being the b***h." I am glad the lights were out so she could not see me busting up at her re-telling of the story.
I love my girls. I love how innocent they are. It is a blessing they have no idea what they are saying at times. I just try to not let on that something funny just happened so it is not repeated.