It Finally Happened

After fighting with her locks in the tub and with a hairbrush, the time had come for a trim. I found a place close  by that  offered women's hair cutting for $13. Then Jari suggested  I do it. Swayed by the attitude that you can learn to do anything by using YouTube, I gave it a go...
All I want to say is NO, you cannot learn to do anything with YouTube. She wiggled and moved her head so much we had to put on a movie for her. 6-8 inches (3 planned) and one viewing of Frozen later we were  finished. Not out of satisfaction but rather pure frustration and fear of taking 12 inches.
I will sum up my thoughts on cutting my daughter's hair with one of the videos I found. At least she is 4 and happy with mediocrity :) 
How to Cut Long Hair Yourself | Long Hairstyles:
