A Poem by Charlotte

Here are some poems Charlotte composed for your viewing pleasure. She has read some books about poems from the library. Some are similar to poems from Fancy Nancy. She also learned what a simile is and now she loves to make similes for Jari all day.

A Poem by Charlotte. 
Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate. The... (not an original but from memory)

A Poem by Charlotte. Apples apples you think they grow on trees. Please don't eat too many because they make you sneeze. 

A Poem by Charlotte. Hic- Hic- I have hiccups. I do not like hiccups. This is weird that I have hiccups.

A Poem by Charlotte. Spots, spots. I love the colors that the spots are .

A Poem by Charlotte. One time I was making very scary music.


Diana said…
These are fantastic! I especially love the one that leaves off mid sentence. Very post modern. ;)