Well, we did it. Never thought I'd be that parent with my guts in knots saying goodbye. Gratefully she was all smiles and ready to part ways for the day. Her teacher apparently is out with a back injury for a month so her teacher for today will be substituting for the week. The good news is that she speaks a little more English than the actual teacher which may help with the transition.
It was so sad to see the other Korean kids in near tears, who with trembling voices cried out "anyong" to their mothers while waving goodbye.
And there was Charlotte, happy and ready. I think God made real the Priesthood Blessing I gave her as her father yesterday.
Jari reports that this morning she asked Charlotte what she would do today. She answered, "You know, play and study and learn and work." Jari then asked if she would make eye contact with the other kids. Her reply, "Yeah Daddy blessed me to." What a remarkable girl. I hope one day to have the trust and faith she shows so readily.
Thanks for posting these pictures.