
We woke yesterday morning to a fair amount of fog. We never really saw this in Las Vegas so it was a treat. I had planned to go running with the girls the night before so even though my phone gave me an emergency warning (I assume about the fog, but it was in Korean so who knows) we decided to go anyway.

Here is a view from our house 

In spite of the numerous times I had explained what fog is, Charlotte still asked what fog is. I think she just likes to hear information a few times as her own way of solidifying it in her mind. Or maybe hearing it a second time or tenth time is comforting as it is then familiar. Whatever the case it taxes the soul at times but we are happy to try to quench her never-ending thirst for knowledge/understanding. Hazel is funny because after Charlotte has asked the question several times, she then finds a way to ask it in her own way. 

Next to the gym is this A-10 on display. Charlotte's swim lessons were just up the road from this a few weeks back so they had passed this way frequently. For this reason, they were both excited when they recognized where they were as Charlotte enthusiastically exclaimed, "There's Fred!" -- Not seeing anyone around I asked what she was talking about. "Oh Daddy, the plane's name is Fred. That is just what we call it." I asked Jari about it and she informed me that one day after swimming they were talking about me and Charlotte and Hazel kept referring to me as Fred. Jari asked them to call me Dad out of respect. As a way out of the conversation and to make it seem like they were not being disrespectful, Charlotte quickly informed Jari that they were talking about the plane they had named Fred... Either way, I am OK with my girls naming an A-10 after me. They are really cool planes.

Hope this doesn't gross anyone out but running in the fog was fun because the water collected on my hair. 

The reward for sitting in the stroller while I ran was an outing at the park. Charlotte was sad to discover that everything was wet.

However, we found the swings were dry so they had fun in the end.

One cool thing about the fog was how the spider webs became so much more visible as they too collected water.

And a quick selfie after the run. I love running in the fog. It was a real treat.


PapaLarry said…
This Korea assignment is turning out to be a wonderful education and fun experience for us all through your perceptive and very enjoyable postings here. Thanks for being so diligent and sharing! ºÜº
Diana said…
I think fog is awesome. Mysterious and fun.