Charlotte going at it with a marker and paper.
View first, then see the interpretation.
ABC Test is self-explanatory
Connect the Dot Puzzle
- monster roaring
- ice cream
- broom and dustpan.
List: Honey, Strawberry, Apple Sauce, (cele = I don't remember), Dolls, Eggs, Chicken, Fruit, Cereal, Cat, Purse, Blueberries, Paper, Lemon, Lime, Mini Sun Glasses
I thought the item under Apple SoSe was "jele" (jelly) - in her ABC list, the "J" looks like a shortened "c" with a dot above it. So I thought that first letter was a "j". She is very consistent with the reversed "s" and I love her "R"s.
Ha ha . . . thanks so much for sharing these wonderful milestone moments with us.
Miss those chilluns a BUNCH.