Primary Days in Seoul

The English district of the Church here in Korea held an activity for the kids in primary in October that we were able to attend in Seoul. Zachary was of course too young so I stayed outside the temple to allow Jari to attend a session.

Here we are on the train to Seoul. It took about the same time as driving but then we did not have to fight traffic on the way home.

The Temple is lovely. Driving by you many never notice it as it is tucked in between buildings and hard to see.

Here is Zachary Hanging out with me.

I had to spy on Charlotte every now and again. Here she is eating lunch.

Hazel got to hang in the nursery

I don't remember now but the theme had something to do about light and the Plan of Salvation. So Charlotte got a flashlight which she still uses to pretend there is a ghost on the ceiling.

Here are the girls playing a game of throw the rock and chase after it. Fun day
