Boys And Girls

Zachary is a bit of a mama's boy. Fred has talked to the girls on a few occasions about how little boys love their moms and little girls love their dads. I think this is interesting to Charlotte because she really is a daddy's girl. One night when Zachary was crying because Fred took him away from me to change his diaper Charlotte asked me, "Mom, why do little girls love their dads and little boys love their moms?"

My lazy answer, "Because that's the way Heavenly Father made them."

"Yeah," chimes in Hazel. "Like He made me with a bum and a vagina and Zachary has a bum and a nut!"

For the record, I have never used the term "nuts" with her in reference to a boy's anatomy. I always use the correct anatomical vocabulary. I'm still wondering where she learned that one. And I'm still laughing about it.


Tia Pete said…
That is too funny! Kids are so entertaining.
Diane said…
Out of the mouth of babes... ��