Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea

As of late, one of the main complaints my patients have had is Nausea, Vomiting, and Diarrhea. I had today off so I thought I would be safe and get a break from the issue.

Well, tonight while doing dishes I heard Charlotte exclaim in a rather serious and hurried voice that she had to "rush Minnie to the doctor (me) in the hospital (kitchen)". Upon arrival at the hospital, we had the following exchange.

Charlotte: Dad! Minnie is throwing up!
Me: How much does she weigh?
(Charlotte puts mini on a book and reads out a measurement)
Charlotte:  About 3 pounds.
Me: How many times has she thrown up?
Charlotte: About one hundred.
Me: Does she have a fever?
Charlotte: Uh, I think she did last Wednesday.
Me: Is there any red stuff that looks like blood in her throw-up or just food?
Charlotte: Just food I think.
Me: Diarrhea?
Charlotte: No.
Me: Ok I am going to push on her tummy does it feel ok?
Charlotte: Why yes.
Me: How about her ears and heart and lungs?
Charlotte: They're ok.
Me: Ok here is a medicine to make her feel better.
Charlotte: Oh thank you!

Two minutes later Hazel rushes in.
Hazel: Dad Foggy just fow up.
Me: Oh no? How many times?
Hazel: Fee.
Me: Does he have a fever?
Hazel: Uh, no. No fevuh.
Me: Any diarrhea?
Hazel: No.
Me: I think Froggy will be ok. Charlotte can you share your medicine with Froggy?
Charlotte: Sure!

So glad my work experience prepared me for this emergency tonight. I'm not sure how else I would have provided reassurance and comfort to my kids.


Diana said…
That's awesome! They are very lucky to you. It's usually Pierscen that's the doctor in it house. We end up with shots for everything. ;)
Diana said…
That's awesome! They are very lucky to you. It's usually Pierscen that's the doctor in it house. We end up with shots for everything. ;)
Necia said…
That is awesome! Those girls make my day and evey kids toys get sick thank heaven the doc was in the house
Karla Nielson said…
Ah, Fred, thank you for sharing your medical experiences with us! I laughed till I cried. Those sweet girls! I think this is the very first thing you have said about your medical experiences in Korea since you arrived last summer. Give these girls hugs from me, okay?
Diane said…
That is a precious experience. So glad you recorded it!