Korean Crud

People talk about getting the Korean Crud when they arrive here in reference to a respiratory infection that is hard to shake. I think a reason for it is the grime in the air. Construction crews are constantly burning stuff. The inversion in the winter also traps pollution.

We didn't have room for our bar stools when we arrived so we left them on the covered balcony. As we face the move back on base I started cleaning items outside starting with the bar stools;  this was the result. Makes me think my lungs probably look like this due to running and walking outside. Nasty.


Diane said…
That IS nasty! Makes me grateful for the miracle of the human body that is designed with defenses that help guard against crud. People in our neighborhood burn their garbage, which is illegal yet seemingly allowed, and the toxic fumes that settle over the neighborhood make me feel like I'm being poisoned every time I go outside. Yay for the seaside and fresh mountain air!