
I'm not sure, but a part of me worries that a simple pursuit of fitness has tipped towards a compulsive habit. I enjoy running. I enjoy the challenge of each run. I enjoy feeling and listening to various muscles in my legs tell me I am going too fast or landing too hard, or using the wrong part of my foot, or maybe holding back and need to pick up the pace. I enjoy seeing different neighborhoods. The farther away from the Air Base I get the longer the stares are and the fewer people of European descent are visible. It's just Korea here and I love it. I enjoy finding new stores and new running paths. I enjoy letting my mind only think about that moment in time, my pace, my breathing, what I'm seeing. For a small moment, I don't consider dinner, projects at work, or other small day-to-day tasks. It is only the path before.

Yet as I train for the marathon in 7 weeks I cannot help but wonder if I am slipping beyond that to the realm of an addict, constantly craving the next run, planning my week and days around training. Or maybe not. Maybe it's just the season. Warmer weather, breeze cleaning out the air, and the pull to simply be outside.  I don't think I will ever know. For now, I will just keep running.
