Daddy Daughter Date

Charlotte has been asking to go running for a while so I promised her we would go before school on Friday (today). We woke up to a bit of fog (mixed with pollution no doubt) which was fun. Hazel was going to come but she is having a hard time finding the joy of running knowing Charlotte is faster than she is. She feels very self-conscious about this right now.

Just down the road from our apartment on base, there is a parking garage with a track, basketball court, and tennis courts on top. 

The garage is in need of a little TLC. Going up the stairs Charlotte noticed the broken-up cement and said, "I bet there is a jaguar up here bitting things and tearing up the ground! Dad, I'm scared!" Funny girl.

And here is Charlotte rocking some sass before our daddy-daughter run. 

So how did it go? She rocked! She jogged 7 laps, a total of 1.11 miles with only 2 rests between laps of about 30-40 seconds each. And I don't think she was actually that tired. I think she was just concerned about being sweaty. 

She genuinely had a good time. I am proud of her and her willingness to do new things and work hard. She really is a great girl. 


Karla Nielson said…
Way to go, Charlotte! We are super proud of you! Love you tons! Grandma and Grandpa
PapaLarry said…
What a great jogging partner! And I love the "sass" photo. ;-) She is growing quickly in so many ways and learning so many very fun and interesting things. I am impressed with her spirit of adventure and willingness to try new things. It really is no wonder that she is well liked by her schoolmates. Love her to pieces. Thanks so much for sharing these Daddy-Daughter moments with us.