Silver Linings

For a very long while now Jari and I have been asking the girls to not shut the doors in the house on each other as we were hoping to avoid injuries. Tonight it finally happened. Charlotte in an attempt to keep Zachary out of her room (where he loves to climb and jump on their beds, not safe so Charlotte's concern was justified), she pulled the door quickly closed on top of his toe. In the process, he lost skin and it popped the toenail up and left a bloody pocket under the toenail (subungual hematoma - not sure what to call it in layman's terms). There were many tears.

The silver lining came after he was patched up and in pajamas. He quickly fell asleep. It is interesting to me how the body likes to shut down and sleep after an injury or a cry. It is the next natural step.  So while we are sad about the injury, we are also happy he fell into a peaceful sleep.
