Hitting "The Wall"

Jari has been really nice to let me run a bit lately. This week I took a friend of mine Cliff Nolt (family doc who works with me in the ER, going home in 6 weeks to his joy and my sadness) to Suwon. It is about 15 miles north of the Air Base.

I stop periodically. Here we are at the UN First  Battle Memorial. 

I didn't realize it till I looked at this but this spot in Osan is where the NK troops hit us hard and as noted on the plaque, spilled a lot of blood driving us back. Sad.

We made it in just over 2 hours. 

Nothing like spicy chicken kimbap (like a california roll) and mango milk after a run
 Strangely it just hits the spot. 

5 days latter (and 2 bike-ride work outs later) I decided to see if I could make a 30 mile run up to run to Seoul. I did not feel great but thought I should try. 

My strategy was to tithe the run: Run 5, walk 0.5. I drank and ate along the way. Let's see how I did. Above is me at 5 miles feeling fine. Nothing to report.

10 Miles. Doing Ok. 

15. Feeling the burn and not so confident. 

Bonk! 21 and feeling run down. I hurt so much I had to jump on the train and head home. Funny how some days are good and others terrible.

Lessons learned? 1) A tithe may be enough for the Lord but when it comes to distance, it's not enough. 2) Ultra running really is harder than I thought it would be even when walking and eating. 3) If I am going to make it to Seoul I have to slow down. It's not about speed, just persistence.  4) Without a supporting family this is just a dream. I love my family. 5) Don't leave your hat on the train... they cost $20 :(
