
My phone was running out of memory so I thought it was time for a quick photo dump. Here are a few things happening here at Osan Air Base and our family.

1) The Air Show. I had to work during the air show but luckily the Korean demonstration team practiced the days prior so I was able to see some of the action from a distance. I heard great things and our flight medicine team which tried their best to do preventative medicine at the air show was happy to report they had gone through some 20+ bottles of sunscreen and passed out 20,000 or so foamy earplugs.


2) Friends. I bet you did not know it but Zachary is quite threatening. At least he is to a friend whose mother had to run some errands and wants nothing to do with the world other than to scream in the most blood-curdling high pitch possible... but we love the Fecteau family. Happy to take their kids any time.


3) Mold. We live on the bottom floor of our residential tower. This means easy access to our home but the downside is that we bear the brunt of water flow from above. In late August the drain for the washing machine was unable to handle any flow (downstream plug? not really sure) and all the water from above went into the wall and spread throughout the house. The sheetrock was happy to soak it up.

It took some negotiating to convince the Korean maintenance workers to cut out the bad sheetrock and remove the insulation but we prevailed... at least in some parts of the house.

Here is the washing room. Has looked this way for about 1.5 months.

I finally approached the housing office, showed them the pictures of the black mold growing in the walls and they immediately told us they would need to move us, close the unit down due to health hazards. So hazard in fact that they will move us in approximately 2 months.... Wish it was sooner but there are no available units for us at this time.

4) Fall. So happy the weather has turned colder. It was a warm summer. Hazel, Charlotte, and Zachary enjoy playing outside when they can.  

Hazel playing Pirates and saving her pink dolphin from the storm.  

5) Health: everyone has done OK. Here is Zachary after his 18-month visit. He was quick to express his concern that they gave him shots in his legs. More recently, he got a mild case of croup but has done well.


6) E Mart. I know I have posted about E Mart before but it is so fun to do and find new foods to try. First item - kimchi sampling. Hazel is a trooper. She will put anything in her mouth, even if she does not like it she will finish it. I am ever impressed.



Baby Crab Kimchi. It was spicy yet sweet. It was kind of strange putting a whole crab in my mouth.

I learned something about Korean pizza. They often ask for the "golden ridge" to be added. If you look close you will see the lines of yellow running through. Any guesses on what it is? The answer, sweet potato paste. I did not care for it. I suppose it would grow on you if you ate it a bunch. After all I kind of like ketchup on my pizza, which was something they do in Venezuela where I learned to enjoy it that way. To each their own right?


Treat sampler: sweet breads and these random puffed grain peppermint (?) rolled candy. Flop.

Every bath night is a good night

7) Empanada night. The empanada is truly one of the greatest gifts Central and South America have given us. Every country prepares them differently which provides for great verity. I of course love the Venezuelan version as it is deep-fried and cornmeal base. Everything tastes better deep fried I think. On this occasion, in our home, though we made some Argentinian empanadas.

8) Work. I am still working in the ER which has been fun. I took this picture one night when some mysterious person dropped off a tin of Danish butter cookies. One of our prior nurses who has since moved to Germany (a very sweet girl who we miss) is named Kim Kiedlsen. Her dad is 2nd gen Danish and her mother is Korean. When I saw these cookies I had to snap a picture and send it to her. Needless to say, she was very excited

9) Walking. Charlotte's school is 1 mile away so taking her to and from school yields an automatic 4 miles on foot per day. It is strange to think that back in Vegas the grocery store was a mile away and I NEVER walked. Sure it was 115 -120 degrees during the summer but not always. So now we walk all the time and it is no big deal. Kind of nice.  Here is a picture of a lone flower that Charlotte wanted to take a picture of on the way to school.

10) Scones. The other night I suddenly wanted scones. I envisioned the fried kind with honey butter but did not want to fry anything, so I used google and found some recipes for Starbucks-style scones. Here are some blueberry scones. Turned out OK and satisfied the craving.

That is about it for now. Busy but life is OK. Hopefully, we will have good news on the move soon.
