Sorry Not Sorry

I know I posted this to Facebook but thought it should be recorded here. Zachary got in a scuff with Hazel and I asked him to say sorry. Really all I was looking for was a head nod and a hug but the opposite happened. He was really mad I asked him to say sorry and angrily shook his head no and yelled at us. So I put him in time out. Every 5 min or so we would ask if he would say sorry and the answer was always more no's and screams. 1.5 hours later he and I were still at it.

He did give a few hugs along the way but was mad as a wet hornet when asked to apologize.  
2 hours later we eneded here.

He was so tired he wouldn't wake for 2 hours. I can only hope that he learned a valuable lesson. Dad is in charge. ;)
