Ansan Starlight Village

Last night we went to a place called Ansan Starlight Village to look at Christmas lights. I didn't really  look to see where it was at. Jari said it was just north of Suwon (which is about 30 min) so I anticipated it to be a quick 45 min drive. We followed the Ricks family as Heidi used Wayz (a Korean navigation app for your phone) but decided she did not like the route that was suggested. 1.5 hours later we were nearly there and kids were starving so we stopped for some dinner at a random local noodle house. 

Here is Heidi mixing up rice, fish, and seaweed. It only cost $3 and I guess the reason for the low price is they only supplied the ingredients. They gave her a glove and instructed her to form her own rice balls. Hazel of course loved them.

Oh, we stopped by a cell phone store when waiting to meet up with the Ricks as they found parking and the guy inside who of course did not speak any English saw the kids and handed out these little soda-looking drinks. Turns out they were a non-carbonated, warm, corn-water drink. I know they sound unpalatable but they were actually kind of good. Zachary loved his. 

Jari and I got a pot of Budae Jjigae which comes as a broth, veggies, spam, hot dogs, some other processed meat, and dumplings. The table comes equipped with a gas burner that you used to cook the food and at some point, you add a slab of dried ramen noodle to it. Ours was ordered as "Not Spicy" so Jari shared with me for a few bites then quickly abandoned the ship due to the spice.  Instead, she shared the fried pork cutlet with the girls. Hazel was full of rice/seaweed/fish balls so she was good to go.

Zachary kept asking for more drinks. After we started eating the soup we realized it was because it was spicy. Still, he ate it! 

2.5 hours after leaving the house we made it! I am glad we forced the kids to bring extra layers of clothing because it was far from warm.

This was the last "smile" Charlotte was willing to give us. Due to the cold, she shut down and asked to go home the rest of our time there. 

Plenty of Santa to go around

Here is Sarah Ricks. She has lots of energy which is difficult to channel.

Kathrine Ricks who just turned 12. She was really nice and carried Hazel the whole time. Random side note, the Young Women came to primary to get her today and she bolted out of her chair to leave with them. Something tells me she was ready to move on... 

My flash probably drowns out the lights, but the density of lights was impressive. 

Village of bears. 

Growling at the bears

Zachary looks so cute here but the truth is he was shaking like a leaf he was so cold. I felt so bad for him.

Here is Charlotte explaining to Jari that she was not moving because I had told her we could go home right then. I actually told her after we saw all the lights (we traveled 2.5 hours to see them for crying out loud!) we would go.

Kind of a random Halloween section. I suspect it is there year-round and just never came down.

Zachary's favorite part. 

He was pretty mad when Jari pulled him out of the seat.

I asked Jari if she could do me a favor - she said "Yes. Wait... (then looked at me funny) depends on what it is..."  She knows me too well to agree too quickly. All I wanted was a Korean pose in the tunnel of hearts. She was not thrilled as she does not like her picture taken but relieved that I had not asked for a picture of us kissing. I am not that cruel. Just as she knows me well enough to not agree to favors too fast., I know when I am pushing limits :) She is amazing! 

The ride home was quick due to low traffic until I missed our exit from the toll/express road and added on 20 minutes to our commute. Gratefully the kids were asleep so it all worked out. 

Long night but loads of fun. 

Oh - closing thought. Before we left dinner I needed to buy something so we could have plastic bags for the girls (they get car sick really easily) so I hit up a Korean pastry shop. Jari loves ice cream. I love pastries. We ate the blueberry cream stuffed croissant which was divine. Always happy to eat new foods. 


PapaLarry said…
What a spectacular light show! Looks amazing, but really cold. I'm glad you're getting to do all these fun outings with the kids (and friends). I hope the girls remember most of it, or at least can recall the outings prompted by all the wonderful pictures.
Thanks for sharing!