Camille Marie Nielson is Born!

LONG POST ALERT - But there are lots of pictures for those who don't like to read.

Well, here we go, grab a cup of hot chocolate and settle in. Jari received her Prenatal OB care here at Osan, but at 36 weeks gestation care is transferred to the Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital in Seoul at Youngson Army Garrison. At that first appointment Jari's fundal height was measuring small for the gestational age (same as Charlotte) so we had an additional US order to evaluated the growth of the fetus. Turns out everything was OK other than a small head (2%ile) and femur (7 %ile). At 38 weeks we saw a different OB provider who sent us to see a Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist here in Korea (I had to navigate Tricare Insurance which was sticky - I am not sure how people who don't understand medicine get things done!). We received the appointment at Ajou University Hospital and the care was awesome! They had an interpreter and everything which was great. Camille was measuring 2.8 kg +/- 200gm which meant she was either too small or OK - so they simply recommended delivery around the due date. Jari was undergoing twice-weekly Non-Stress Tests (where you lay and they watch the baby's heart rate and look for contractions) so we had a follow-up a few days later.

We were encouraged to Stork Nest (stay in the hotel on post at Youngson Army Garrison) from 38 weeks on which was not really ideal but Saturday night (the day after the MFM consult) I felt like we needed to head North. Sabrina was here, the fridge was full, a menu was planned, so we decided to head up Saturday night. Jari took some cookies to a friend 2 floors up (then came back 2 hours later... another story there) and we then drove north in a snow storm.  

The next day we woke to a beautiful winter landscape.

We looked up where we could attend church but a little late so we had to attend a Korean ward. The building was huge compared to where our branch meets here at Osan.

Complete with a parking garage!

Gratefully a Sister from the Ward we attended sat behind us and spoke English very well - she interpreted for us the entire meeting where the Stake President discussed the need to attend the Temple, reactive those who have left the church, and the value of Home Teaching. An interesting side note has been that I have recently learned that the late President Hinckley made a promise to the Saints here in SK that if they would attend the temple regularly it would keep the country safe from North Korea. So temple attendance is worth more than all the military might we can muster. A nice reminder that we need to go to the temple. It has been hard with 3 small children.

We spent the evening eating granola bars and eating a microwaved meal that I brought with us from home - then talking about names again. We had a long list of boy names, but not much for girls... As always it put one of us to sleep.

But not before one last conversation:

We video chatted with the kids via Sabrina's phone that night and Zachary cried and cried - nearly broke our hearts. We knew we were going to need to have the baby soon. It was hard being away from our kids.

The next day we discussed options with the OB provider. There was no medical indication to induce early from his perspective but asked what we would like to do. I provided him our honest answer that we would take an induction right then and there and after he discussed it with the other docs they said OK! They said to get lunch and come back. Admittedly we took a long while at lunch:

I love Korean BBQ.

Here is Jari feeling good before the Pitocin started its magic.

Both Hazel and Charlotte came via Pitocin inductions and I remember it not being fun for Jari. It was no less painful this time and honestly, it tore me up to see her feel so terrible for so long. As the evening hours went on and the hour grew late I was reminded of the scripture where Christ's Apostles grew tired while he affected the atonement and the question was made about watching for but 1 hour. I don't mean to draw any comparison between our family and the Apostles and Christ, for we are not worthy of any comparison. But as I watched Jari suffering there and I knew there was nothing I could do it was so difficult to witness. Truthfully I cried. I was proud of her willingness to pass through this challenge to bring a little one into our home.

Nine hours of pain later she had progressed to a 6. Dr. Fielden rightfully was nervous about rupturing the amniotic sac without the baby's head well engaged because it can suck the cord out and be life-threatening to the baby. Still, after several checks, he decided to do it. He then said he would be back in an hour to check on us. Jari looked at me and whispered she did not think she could last an hour. I did my best to comfort her and told her it would only be a few minutes. Eleven minutes later, we were pushing, and out came our beautiful little girl into the world!

I was honestly shocked we had another girl. I thought for sure this was a boy! After I got over the shock my heart was overcome with love for this little girl.

Here is a terrible 3:30 a.m. selfie with Jari and Dr. Fielden. He did a great job and was super nice.


The next day was a long day due to little sleep but we were happy to have our little girl. As we sifted through names I felt drawn to the name Camille. Jari was researching the meaning of names (because she knows I like to know) and found a website that informed us that family names of Camille were Charlotte for a sister and Zachary for a Brother. I know that the world wide web is probably 99% false/made-up information but this was too great to pass up. Camille was our name.  

First bath by our nurse.

As for the middle name Marie, we simply liked the name and it's her Gram's middle name. It is related to the names Miriam and Mary which don't have happy origins but have historical significance. Mostly I liked Marie because the girls and I had been watching the Aristocats (Disney film) and had laughed at Marie the small kitten when she says "Ladies do not start fights but we can finish them!" Sounds like our girls so it seemed fitting. Furthermore, we would have initials for this little one similar to Charlotte and Hazel (Mae).

24 hours of life she was 8% down in weight but not surprising given how small she was to start with. But still, we were itching to go home. I hate being a new dad in a hospital when the nurses get upset with me for holding my child and walking (not safe, they want the baby in the crib) - so I was eager to go home as was Jari.

Here is Jari without an IV - I told them they should take it out or she would do it on her own ;)

We came without baby clothes unsure it is was a boy or girl and not really wanting to put effort into findings clothes... so I had to stop by the store to get some clothes for the ride home.

And the big introduction. We were quite nervous about Zachary and how he would handle it but he was so excited!

Hand sanitizer for the little ones.

We are so happy to have Camille in our family. I feel so very blessed to have 4 wonderful kids.

While I am sad to go back to work tomorrow I am so happy to have received this little one safe and sound into our home. Thank you to all who prayed for Jari and our family. We are grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who would send this little one to our family.


Hollie said…
Love the pics, but now I need the story :) (and more pics)
Hollie said…
Thanks for the story. She is precious! Congrats! And Jari, are you glad you didn't get the epidural? I am way too much of a whimp.