The Waiting Room

At Jari's last OB appointment in Seoul (Brian Allgood Army Hospital), we got to hang out in the waiting room while she was checked in and had her appointment. They eventually brought us back but it gave us some time to spend together. Entertainment Tonight was on TV in all its sleazy glory so I had to distract the kids somehow - a photo shoot seemed like the answer. Here are some pictures from the waiting room:

(Photo by Charlotte)

(Photo by Hazel)

(Photo by Hazel)

(Photo by Charlotte)

Then the silliness began.

Next came letter formation. 


"B" even though it may look like a lower case 'r' or 'a'






And here is Jari waiting for us. She was looking remarkably well for having just been told our baby was disproportionately small in areas (small head and small legs)... Jari was a bit freaked out. Then the doc invited us in and seemed to have a casual conversation about the findings and what to do. He wanted to send us to see a Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist (at a Korean facility) for recommendations on when to deliver. That experience was fun (the next day) as we got to see the Korean Medical system for the first time. They were really nice and for sure catered to us as Americans. Getting the referral was no small feat. But the appointment went well. Yes, small baby. We will see what happens when he/she is born (still don't know)

Zachary eventually woke up, happy though in his typical physical, aggressive nature. They fought over chairs in the office. All I could think was, "Kids! this is why they went into OB. Once the kid is out, they pass them on to Pediatrics where they don't have to deal with this nonsense!" - Totally normal kid behavior though. All we can do is nag, bribe, and love.  


PapaLarry said…
Ha! These are great shots.
I love their creativity and participation in fun and very diverse activities. There just couldn't be more fun those eyes! ºÜº