Passport Photo Shoot

Jari and I have limited time left here in Korea. This knowledge saddens us because we have had a good time here yet we know that more adventures lay ahead. Before leaving, we really wanted to visit Japan and possibly China but to do so requires a passport for Camille. I just want to say right here that I think Passport Photos are the greatest form of legalized theft. In the states, they charge $12 for 2 small photos. And how do they take them? With a point-and-shoot camera and simply print them! So crazy. Anyway - so we needed a photo of Camille even though she is a newborn. We had to do this with Zachary 2 years ago so we knew what had to be done, but Corie Hawks helped us take them so I remember it being an easy experience. Not so this time:

After taking about 80 photos and finding something wrong in each one (head tilt, shadow, Jari's hand, screaming, not looking at the camera, etc) we finally got one. With a little help from Photoshop to rid the picture of Jari's hand (thanks Kara Morgan for the help), we finally had one.

I took it to the base exchange and learned the guy who prints passport photos is a wiz with Photoshop and probably could have doctored up our photos really easily. Cost? Because he did not take the picture it was $6 for 4 photos. Not bad when compared to the US.

Random memory: Applying for the passport requires a long list of documents including things unique to being born overseas. Gratefully we did not have to go to the Seoul Embassy to turn it in as there is a representative that works here at Osan. But as we turned everything in she simply asked, "Well do you have what you need? What are these documents for...?" So glad I read through the instructions document and did not simply follow the basic checklist so as to ensure we had everything as she was not really up to speed. Still nice to not have to wait for an appointment in Seoul and travel all that way. The worker thought it would only take 3 weeks to get the passport which is crazy fast! So we have our fingers crossed it will come soon so we can plan our trip to Japan.
