Once we moved to Korea and I joined a Facebook group of runners at Osan, I have seen the invitations to join them all for a run from Osan Air Base to various locations in Seoul. Most people don't take the invite but a select group seems to do it over and over. A friend of mine who left Osan last year, Ryan Brunson, ran it last year, and once he saw the way north he thought, 'Why not do it again?' And so the very next day he did just that, but faster. While I don't have such superhuman stamina the idea of running to Seoul has been on my mind. I tried and failed last year (too hot, stopped at mile 18? I don't remember now). I tried on 2 other occasions but just hit the wall and gave up.
Yesterday after running my PT test with the Air Force and rocking an 8:31 mile and a half which surprised even me, my confidence was bolstered and so I asked Jari if I could go. She knows I have been dreaming about this for a while and so I put my bag together.
Change of clothes
Sandles for post-run
6 PowerBars
6 PowerBar Gel Shots
1 Gatorade Chew
1 Honeystinger Gell
6 Nuun tablets (flavored salt tablets that are low calorie)
3 Lara bars
4 Kind Bars
1.5 L water in the bladder
2, 10 oz water flasks with Nuun
Powerbank for Phone
Hat and Glasses
I woke a little late. Here are a few from the tower we live in of the morning fog. The air quality was actually pretty good.
The starting temp was 51 F so I made the choice to wear a breathable thin long sleeve shirt which was nice for about 6 miles... not so great after that as it was just too warm (mid-70s but after running for a while the heat builds up). On a positive note, it was like wearing sunscreen.
Here I am at mile 11. Feeling it already.
At mile 18 or so, I was really feeling it. I don't know why but no matter how hard I train I may feel good up to mile 13 to 15 and after that it is a fight. Anyone who has run long distances can talk about the psychological battle one has with one's self while running past the point of comfort (in terms of training mileage). This was the case for me.
Around mile 21 I was dry and fatigued. I was considering walking to the nearest metro stop and quitting. I told myself that I could try next Friday. This was true but how many times have I not made it? I found some water and a place to sit and after refilling my water supply and dumping cool water on my head much to the shock and confusion on the local Koreans, I pushed on running a little, then walking a little.
Then a glimmer of hope, a sign indicating I was getting close.
Random cool moment. Here is a helicopter that is being used to lift construction supplies up the mountain.
After a long slow climb, I found a sign indicating I was entering the Seoul city limits. Yeah!
A second full pit stop later I found the river that divides inner Seoul from the land South. Royalty used to float along this river for fun and it is an iconic and celebrated part of Seoul.
On the left, you can see Seoul Tower in the distance.
Quick selfie. I look ok but felt so tired. But I was close to my goal.
I was grateful for this road that runs under the bridge for pedestrians and bike riders alike.
Here I am about 1.5 miles from my target. I found these chairs and couldn't keep myself from sitting for a few minutes. Don't judge. I have learned to rest when able. Unfortunately, this rest was my Achilles Heel. I tried to jog after this, you know, one last push, but it was all uphill and my legs said no thanks. Gratefully they at least carried me walking the rest of the way.
View of Seoul and near the end of the street I was walking along (hiking up). I feared I had the wrong point on the map and was kind of mad at the thought of coming all this way and not finding my destination. (Psychological warfare with myself...)
But I found it!!! So excited if you cannot tell.
I found this place by random chance online (Facebook?) and had to check it out. ₩3000 ($2.75) got me a shower, sports drink, yoga mats, and foam rollers.
It's basically a gym just for runners. Pretty awesome.
A nice little view from the top.
Selfie in the sun after a shower.
So will I be doing this again? Unlikely. It is getting hot and 41 miles over 8 hours was pretty draining. Half marathons and full marathons are reasonable but I am not sure my body is up for this distance all that often. But an item from my bucket list is complete.
Post thought: I don't think I want to eat another PowerBar for a while. The food I packed got me through but man it was hard to keep putting those things in my mouth. My body craved REAL food. I think I will start experimenting with food for fuel and not running supplements.