Before you get too excited, this post has nothing to do with... well you know. I will refer to what you are thinking about as "That Which Shall Not Be Named" in the event that my kids read this before they understand what we are talking about. Once they are older maybe I will change this post a little.
Second of all, I should mention I have not read the book 50 Shades of Grey. I have been told about the book in generalities.
Now we can jump into this. Jari and I went to Parent Teacher Conference a few days ago when the teacher discussed with us the weather of the local area. We have already seen that summer and fall can be very beautiful but he warned us about what was looming ahead, the bleakness of winter. Instead of snow storms trading place with blue skies it is day after day of grey and he referred to this as the shades of grey of Eifle country (where we live).
Every now and again we get something amazing such as this:
Or hints of blue mixed with grey and fog:
But this is what we usually see:
(Sorry for the tilt, I was trying to take this without them noticing. Zach fell behind while walking and Hazel went back to comfort him when he started to pout).
I will take more photos of the grey and add them later. But I am sure we are about to see the true 50 shades of grey.
Time for trips to Italy or the French Riviera?