Camille is a great little girl. She is so loving and smiles a lot. She is now 9 months old and is on the cusp of achieving something that she has been wanting for a little while now: mobility.
Sure, crawling is not considered anything special to most but this little gal is ours and is precious so we have enjoyed every step of her development.
She can now shimmy toward which is fun:
Every now and again she will raise the periscope up to make sure she is on track.
But once close still expects us to do the work.
But she can explore on her own.
Until she gets caught then she just wants to be held again.
But check out these mad skills! Love watching babies grow.
Next step is learning to move those hands forward. I am soon this will happen soon enough and then we will be in trouble!
For now we will just enjoy who she is.