We did not have firm plans on what we were going to do that day so we made it up as we went along.
Jari thought that the torture museum would probably not sit well with the kids. I cannot say I disagree but Charlotte seems to handle ideas like this surprisingly well. Maybe a little too well. Should I be worried? Either way, we try to shield them at least a little.
So what better to do than to sample chocolate? Here are the kids with some chocolate from Van Oost. We tried vanilla, mint, banana, mango, and many other kinds.
Jari wanted an egg nog chocolate which she reported did not taste much like egg nog
In the end, the 2 best were Mint and Mango.
After handing out for a little bit and letting the kids run around the square, we decided to take a carriage ride.
Like everything in Europe, it was not cheap but the kids loved it.
The driver took us through the town and told us history about bits and pieces of the town.
People were good to jump out of the way.
Halfway through we stopped to let the horse rest and we were able to take some photos of the swans.
Some quick selfies.
Here we are near a famous bridge where history says that if someone kisses you over the bridge then you will be in love with this person your whole life.
Camille loved the swans.
I am always amazed at how big swans are once you are up close. They really are beautiful creatures.
Quick family shot. To your left and our right is an old-fashioned covenant where nuns still dress in traditional clothing and grow their own food etc.
This leads into the covenant where there are strict instructions to not take their pictures if and when you see them.
Seeing the tour from the other side.
Charlotte wanted a picture by herself to send to Mr. Osterman her 1st-grade teacher.
I think our carriage driver took about 10 photos and in all of them at least 1-2 kids were not looking at the camera. So this is the best we could do.
Zachary fell asleep of course and here I am trying to help Hazel and Charlotte pet the horse.
I have to admit that I have a deep respect for horses tinged with 20% fear. They are such strong creatures that I cannot help but be cautious around them. Maybe it is just a factor of being from the city. My ancestors would be ashamed.