In preparation for our trip to Brugge, Belgium I read about 2 things over and over: French Fries and Chocolate. Apparently, they love to sell fries in a large paper cone of sorts and eat them with a large variety of fry sauces. I have to admit that we ate more than our fair share of both fries and chocolate.
Quick shout out to this little gal who did great. No, we did not give her any Coca Cola but she sure enjoyed holding the cold can.
I don't remember now what these little round fried balls were called but they were a strange gravy-like paste with a crispy outside. I think Hazel's face speaks for all of us in how we felt about it.
This was our first Chocolate purchasing experience. Not cheap, but very delicious. Rich enough that one chocolate bar lasted 1 child about 4 days as they were not able to eat more than a small chunk each night.
More fries.
I got some with a "Traditional Flemish Stew" which I am sure came from a can. It was beef chunks in a rich brown sauce. It was good though.
We found a discount chocolate store near the bell tower and Jari let me get a few things.... 110 euro later (about $145) I came out with this. I felt guilty but hey you don't drive to Brugge every day for chocolate right? I hope/trust it will last us a long while. The only regret I have is that I did not buy more truffles because they are probably the best chocolate I have ever tasted anywhere.
And this is how we eat it mostly - out of sight of the children. I feel like Jari and I work hard enough to earn it. The kids? Not so much. Don't get me wrong, they have their moments of goodness and get plenty of rewards.
If anyone comes to visit and wants some chocolate, we are happy to drive a bit for some Belgium Chocolate.