October 27th 2010 was a special day for us for it was on that day that Charlotte joined our family. She has kept us on our toes ever since. Hopefully we can connect our nice camera up and update this post with better pictures in the future but for now here are some shots from her day from my (dad's) perspective.
The Medical Group at Spangdahelm happened to have their clinic trick or treat so the kids were able to join me after I finished with clinic for some fun. Here is Minnie Mouse, a Veterinarian and Mickie Mouse enjoying some pizza.
Here is Jari enjoying being as far away from the masses of people as possible.
Rewind a bit... before I left that morning I left her a note.
Here she is opening her gift from Hazel. It is a German version of Barbie.
My gift.
Mom got her a curling iron which she was thrilled about.
That is not a look of pain. She was actually really excited about Grandma Nielson's gift.
Thanks, Grandma.
Slippers from mom. We are still working on looking at the camera.
We didn't have loads of time to make a cake so instead, we got big cookies and ice cream from the store. She is leading a round of Happy Birthday in this picture.
While she continues to challenge us in many ways she is one special kid. We love her dearly and are glad she has spent these last 7 years with us.