Yesterday afternoon the kids came to my work to enjoy a picnic followed by a game of laser tag in the patient waiting area. While we were sitting in the break room eating our sandwiches Zachary noted these two alarms on the wall.
The conversation quickly focused on what MASS could mean:
Zachary: Dad, what does MASS mean?
Me: Honestly, I don't know.
Charlotte: It could mean 'Marvelous or Magnificent... Ass'.
Me: (Suppressing laughter but eventually unable) That is an idea.
Charlotte: Yes, that is it, Marvelous Ass - Donkey
Me: Charlotte, in all fairness I think you should know that while Ass does indeed mean donkey it also is a vulgar way/swear word for butt.
Charlotte (turning red and giggling). Uh, Okay... Marvelous Butt. Nice Butt!
The room erupted in giggles and lunch became much more enjoyable at that point.