Frog Pond: Daufenbach

A year ago on Easter, we decided to go on a walk in a small neighboring town called Daufenbach. It sits on the River Kyll and the kids remembered throwing rocks and enjoying the shallows of this gentle river. On a sunny Saturday, we returned and found that spring was in the air and the water for these little frogs/toads ;) The kids were thrilled and with a little hands-on demonstration of how to snatch them up the fog catching began. 

Hazel was not shy in the least about catching the frogs. 

The other kids were a bit more squeamish. 

Lots of frog love.

Beautiful area. I love this River. 

We told the kids to kiss a frog and see what would happen. Hazel giggled and did it right away without much question. Charlotte on the other hand... well let's just say it was a bit of a struggle to get her to touch the frogs. Kissing them was another issue altogether. 

Hazel found a friend that would not let go. Tons of fun. 
