Running on Empty (almost)

I know this is a random memory with a poor image but one thing I remember about Jari and me is how we both approach a tank of gas. In general, I don't like seeing the gas drop below a half tank because of the boy scout in me always wanting to be prepared. Jari on the other hand will push the tank to near-empty often and simply hope she has enough to get her where she is going. I suppose it is the natural anxiety in me that does not allow me to do that but occasionally I try to stretch myself.

Prior to moving to Alaska, the COVOID-19 restrictions lifted every so lightly and we were able to gather in larger groups outside. So our ward went to Manderscheid where you can walk down below the castle to a lovely area of flat grass and have a picnic and play games. This was done on a Saturday and when we drive there we have to pass the base. We were running late and the distance to empty seemed like we would have about a gallon of gas to spare so we decided to skip the gas purchase and push on to the gathering. 

Well as you can guess, the closer to empty we go the faster the estimated level of gas, and the distance remaining to empty approached zero. I was a nervous wreck. Jari may have been nervous too but did not show it. Did she find it funny? With all the pre-move/PCS (Permanent Change of Station) stress, a broken car was the last thing we needed. 

We did make it but without much to spare: 3 miles to empty. The Lord is kind in watching over us.

So glad we did not run out of gas in the middle of Germany where there is no cellular signal to call for help and those who do come do so unpredictably when you speak English 

