What do we say about Charlotte? So many things could be said. In the last year she has really become an amazing person. She has started to show wisdom and understanding that was lacking in her childish past and shows more kindness, patience, and general awareness of others needs. She is more attentive to us as parents and continues to demonstrate her intellect in many ways. Her teachers love her for her recognition of their subtle sarcasm in class which she picks up on when so many other kids miss it. She is smart and picks up concepts well. Her language arts and math skills are excelling.
She no longer crafts and creates like she did in years past but instead devours books and will read all day and long into the night if we would let her.
She has learned to love cooking and even had some fun playing soccer this last year and learned a lot about the sport in a few short weeks.
She has started to help more around the house in small ways (when asked) and will even help shovel the walk and do service for neighbors.
I am writing this now after the turn of the year (to 2022) and she has now joined Young Woman's. While part of me was sad to see her take this step and leave behind primary I know she was ready for it. We are proud of her and we feel lucky to be able to have her in our live.